DevOps Trends to look out in 2019

Prasobh V Nair


Previously, people used to think of DevOps as nothing other than a buzzword. However, DevOps has evolved a great deal over the last couple of years. Today, DevOps has become the center of great concern and focus, as it has shaped the software world in a big way.

Based on a survey conducted by Statista, a big number of business organizations have now adopted DevOps. Moreover, the last year saw an increase of 17% in its adoption as compared to 10% in 2017. This simply reflects a great growth.

There are a number of trends in DevOps that are responsible for its widespread adoption. These include:

The focus is slowly transitioning from the CI Pipelines to the DevOps Assembly Lines

It is expected that this year, 2019, CI Pipelines are going to get shifted into DevOps assembly lines. This is because today, organizations are more concerned about CD (continuous delivery) rather than just CI alone.

Automation is the main center of focus

The automation of processes has become the main focus of companies today. DevOps revolves around automation a lot today. The primary aim happens to be, to develop zero-touch automation in the near future. Now, this does not certainly mean that everything has to be automated. However, in principle, if you wish to automate something, it should be possible for you to do so.

The main goal of companies in 2019, is to apply automation in the stages between the 6 C’s of DevOps. These include:

  • Continuous business planning

  • Collaborative development

  • Continuous Testing

  • Continuous Release and Deployment

  • Continuous Monitoring

  • Collaborating Customer Feedback and Optimization

Testers must know to code

Testers who carry programming and coding knowledge, are in great demand in the world of DevOps. Technically, these testers should be capable of automating the scripts in order to tests cases and to code new scripts. In case you are planning to start out as a tester, it is highly recommended to get yourself familiar with coding.

In 2019, manual testing is expected to disappear. This is primarily because it is a very time-consuming task. Rather, automated testing is to be deployed which not only saves time but also increases the efficiency of the process.

Microservices architecture will become common

Recently, Microservices and DevOps are going together. Essentially, microservices do not really carry dependencies or affect other systems in case of a failure primarily because they are independent. This allows companies to include latest features with great ease, and to deploy them. In time, the deployment of microservices architecture will increase the efficiency of delivery and the runtime of companies.

An increasing number of companies are going for enterprise solutions

When a company is just starting out, it could be a great dilemma of whether to buy a solution or to build one (the latter could be rather time-consuming and expensive). Today, an increasing number of companies are opting for enterprise solutions as it allows them to put their main focus into their goals. Ultimately, the productivity as all they have to do is to depend on a reliable third party platform. Atop that, it also reduces security risks. This is because enterprise solutions usually have the best security available.

Published by:2019-01-16 07:58:11

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