All You Need To Know About IBM Cloud Kubernetes

28/09/2021 20mins
Prasobh V Nair


What is IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service?
IBM cloud kubernetes service is a combination of robust tools. It combines Docker containers and Kubernetes technology. At its core, it gives you intuitive user experience, built-in security, easy way to scale, isolation to automate the deployment, and monitoring of containerized apps in a cluster. To be more specific, these containerized apps are hosted on compute hosts.  

Using IBM cloud kubernetes service, the journey starts by taking applications that you already have and then put them inside one of the containers. These containers allow your legacy apps to be moved onto new platforms like IBM. Containers are essential to package apps. This way you can seamlessly move the apps between environments. However, these containers are not just for migration. Once the container starts running on platform like IBM cloud, you will find that they offer many inherent benefits like resilience, scale, availability, and visibility. In fact, it offers everything that enterprises need. Apart from it, containers tend to be portable, lightweight and more efficient than virtual machines.

IBM with the help of kubernetes provides the tooling to get started with IBM Watson®, IoT, DevOps and data analytics.

Steps to Getting Started With IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service

Create kubernetes clusters

Install the CLI

Launch a private registry

Establish your cluster environment

Add a service to your cluster

In order to deploy an app in a container, you need to create a kubernetes cluster first. Since kubernetes is one of the most used container orchestration technologies, it becomes easier for users to deploy highly available apps in a flash. After all, flexibility and power of clusters make it all possible. Wondering what is cluster? Well, a cluster is a group of worker nodes, resources, networks, and storage devices that keep your apps up and running. Once you have cluster, you will be able to deploy your apps. Either you can create a free or many standard clusters. Remember, free clusters will be deleted automatically after 30 days. This shows you can't deploy apps with free cluster. Instead, you can only try out to get familiar with service capabilities. To gain the full control, you may need to create standard clusters rather than free cluster.

Besides ramping up your app development efforts, you can get following benefits from IBM cloud kubernetes services.

Intelligent scheduling 
It comes with range of options which allows users to specify conditions for placing pods on correct hosts.

In case, your application goes down, IBM cloud kubernetes service will recognize it immediately and will try to auto heal. So, it will spin another container up and recover for itself because deployment is not just initial launching. Instead, it's something bigger.

Horizontal scaling
Getting more traffic than expected? If so, then you might need to scale out your application. IBM cloud kubernetes service allows scaling with the most efficient use of your services.

Some other features are:

  • Service discovery
  • Load balancing
  • Automated rollouts and rollbacks
  • Secret and configuration management

Decision to kubernetes technology or containers can be thought of as a journey. The journey tends to differ based on your needs or maturity of your organization. Relieve yourself from pain of security and achieve flexibility. Take advantage of IBM cloud kubernetes services and manage highly available apps.


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