Top five reasons mobile apps fail

28/09/2021 20mins
Phani Kumar S


It is a common occurrence in the tech world. A developer spends months, even years coming up with a revolutionary idea, building an app and then launching it into the market,  yet the app shuts down after a few months. Business organizations also develop apps to improve customer satisfaction, but the app does the opposite and only increases criticisms and negative reviews. What causes this problem?

Below are the top five reasons mobile apps fail:

Imitations or Oversaturation

Building a unique app is the best way to build a strong and loyal, customer base. A lack of originality when developing an app does not bode well for the future performance of such a project. Even if your app is theoretically more functional than the existing similar apps, they have the advantage of having developed a reliable customer base. A comparative market research of your top competition will help you see the merits and demerits of launching a similar app into the market.

Inadequate Market Research

The decision to launch a new mobile app should always be customer driven. Some apps have a great idea and offer a unique functionality but failed to thrive because there is no market for such an app.The importance of market and customer research and analysis is paramount and cannot be done away with. Competitor analysis will help you learn from the shortcomings of your direct competitors and also understand how the top selling brands created a market for themselves. Carrying out comprehensive research is time and cost effective.

Poor User Interface

The usability of an app is capable of making or breaking it. Customer reviews are an important part of mobile app development- negative reviews as a result of a poor user interface and response times are detrimental to the success of your project. Your app need not be stripped down to simple functions, but it should be able to navigated with ease by the average phone user. Other factors like connection issues, , forced shut down issues and account registration difficulties will all result in a disgruntled customer base.

Poor Business Strategy

Business and technology go hand in hand. Ensure you have a well stated business plan and strategy to go along with your app development project. Every step of the app project should be accounted for, right from the app launch to the presence or absence of a trial version, app monetization and subsequent app upgrades. The lack of a business strategy has led to many app developers falling short when the time to market the app comes. Profitability should be your ultimate goal in the end. So make sure you have a team that can handle the business side of the equation.

Mobile App Launch

Your mobile app launch is a key aspect of your app development. The days immediately after you launch your app are some of the most important periods of your project’s lifespan. App users discontinue use of apps that fail to meet their expectations, as soon as, three days after launch and installation. Ensure your app has no issues and is well optimized before launching it. A single lag or shut down is capable of losing you a customer or customers. A single negative review is enough to trigger an avalanche of bad publicity.Carry out intensive app testing on all platforms, iOS and Android, and ensure each platform’s peculiarities are accounted for.


Your app success or failure depends on you carrying out due diligence on the factors outlined above. Failing to account for market trends, customer satisfaction and marketing strategy will lead to project failure.  


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