The Client

Our client is a telecommunication provider.

Service Offerings


Data Analytics

Technology Stack


Business Scenario

Every telecom customer chooses their network provider based on multiple factors like network coverage, customer service, tariff packages and offers. But the utility of various factors will be different for different individuals. Even though there are different offers provided by service providers its noticed that many customers are

feeling dissatisfied with the same. The objective of the analysis is to find out the optimum combination of Data/Voice/SMS which is preferred by the users and to explore the usage of it by them.

Business Requirements

  • Identify different data sources
  • Collect data from the users
  • Creating a new database in IBM SPSS
  • Identifying the right tool to derive the utility
  • Identify the relative importance of different components of a combo telecom plan
  • To suggest the best combination of Voice, Data and SMS

Our Solution

The tool identified for this application was choice based conjoint analysis or discrete choice modelling. Conjoint analysis is a survey-based statistical technique used in market research that helps determine how people value different attributes (feature, function, benefits) that make up an individual product or service. Conjoint analysis technique will analyse current choices to understand the underlying drivers or motives.


  • Identify the data sources to be integrated.
  • Executing correspondence analysis using IBM SPSS.
  • Arriving at the calculation that needs to be displayed in the reports.
  • Identifying and designing the dashboards.
  • Synchronizing to get live data.
  • Processing large volumes of data.


From the results it is found that INR 450 in Price category, 400 Minutes in the free minutes, 300 MB in the data packs category and 600 SMS under the number of SMS category have the highest utility.

The best combo offer/ combination found from the study is 400 minutes free, 300 MB data and 600 SMS free for INR 450.

According to the value of importance, Free minutes factor having highest value in the minds of the respondents followed by Data packs and SMS. But Price factor is the least important factor according to the study.

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